If you are a guy, then congratulations – you have stumbled upon possibly the most powerful seduction technique ever known (barring Shogun Method’s Black Rose Sequence.) Once you have mastered the technique then you’ll achieve the highest mastery in dating and attracting women.
In the Shogun Method, this new identity (“Persephone” in Shogun Method lexicon) is completely under your control. It can indeed be quite sinister especially if you have malicious intentions. I gotta tell you the Black Rose Sequence is indeed quite special – once you’ve seen it in action, there’s never turning back. From Brotherman to Manhood -How Black Men Rescue Their Relationships from the Invisibility Syndrome. New York: John Wiley. Franklin, Donna l., What's Love Got to Do With It?: Understanding and Healing the Rift Between Black Men and Women, Simon & Schuster; September 11, 2001.
“Psychopath.” “Narcissist.” “Asshole.”
Hardly a day goes by without me getting called one of these names.
Shogun Method has made me, Derek Rake, a villain.
I’ve been vilified by the press (a major newspaper columnist called me a “sadomasochistic, chauvinist hog”), hated on by hardcore feminists (I get emails threatening to “cut my balls” all the time) and despised by a colluding gang of “Pickup Artists” and “Seduction Gurus” (for calling them out on their bullshit advice.)
And yet, frankly, I don’t care.
What I do care is the people who follow my advice get the results that they want.
As anyone can see here, hardly any Shogun would bear any ill intention towards women. They are all for happy, healthy relationships, leading to a life of bliss for both themselves and the women that they are with.
And we have saved many, many marriages from going down the divorce path, pulling them from the brink of destruction. My approach is ruthless, and yet it works. And for that reason, I shall have no apologies to offer, because Shogun Method has given both men and women the happiness that they have wanted.
Table of Contents
- 5 Shogun Sequences (Or Why This Stuff Work Like Gangbusters)
- 6 What Is The Black Rose Sequence?
- 7 Shogun Method: Frequently Asked Questions
The truth is that when it comes to dating and relationships, guys have always gotten the short end of the stick.
In the modern times, men are the new women. Period.
How so? Well, we have been conditioned to allow women to walk all over us, mentally and emotionally. We have given up on our masculinity in order to make women happy (often times at the expense of our own happiness.)
There are no two ways about it… we must take the power back.
(And with Shogun Method, we will.)
Listen here. It’s entirely politically incorrect to say this, but it’s true:
We are all born manipulators.
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Lying and deception is probably hard-wired into our DNA by nature. The same goes for men, and the same goes for women.
When a woman gets into a relationship with a guy, her natural instinct is to find ways to pussy-whip him into lifelong subservience.
No fucking joke.
And to make things worse, most guys don’t even know that they’re being manipulated like wooden puppets at a carnival show.
So, how do women manipulate men?
Well, I’m glad you asked. Consider these:
- She withholds sex to force you to comply to her wishes.
- She dresses up like a tart hungry for a sausage – to see OTHER men.
- She flirts openly with other men in front of you.
- She compliments other men just to make you jealous.
- She says things like “It must be completely AWESOME to be Mr-So-and-So’s girlfriend” just to piss you off.
- She says things like “Mr So-and-So must be really good in bed” just to piss you off.
- She says things like “Mr So-and-So has a long schlong” just to piss you off.
- She plays the victim by crying in front of you in the public as if you’re bullying her.
- She delays responding to your calls or texts just to show you that she’s the boss, not you.
- She makes you jump through hoops just to show you that she wears the pants in the relationship, not you.
Kinda messed up, don’t you think?
Manipulation Doesn’t Have To Be A “Bad” Thing
There’s one thing that I’ve got to clarify though…
Just because women are manipulative, it doesn’t mean that they are malicious.
It’s just the nature of the beast that we will need to deal with.
And guess what? The same goes to us guys –
We can choose to fight back WITHOUT being malicious.
In other words, we can choose to manipulate women back without having bad intentions.
However, if you intend to use Shogun Method with malicious intentions, then please exit from this site immediately.Shogun Method is not for you.
At this point, I’ll be completely honest and transparent here…
Shogun Method can indeed be abused to hurt women.
I know this from first-hand experience. A few years ago I accepted a student who eventually turned out to be a complete psychopath.
He used Shogun Method to fuck a woman over, leaving her with a messed up mind and a screwed up psyche. It was pretty ugly.
Here’s the thing…
Just like any tool or weapon, Shogun Method can be used for good, or for bad. Its “morality” is entirely irrelevant.
Despite all that, I want you to understand this very fundamental truth about dating women –
To win in the game of love, manipulation is a necessary evil.
After all, there’s a high chance that she’s already manipulating you (even if she’s not aware that she’s doing it.) You gotta fight fire with fire!
Shogun Method Review – How Different Is It From The Others?
Before anything, let’s talk about how Shogun Method is differentfrom other dating advice programs.
First and foremost, Shogun Method is not a “pickup” program.
If all you want is something you can use to approach women at bars and clubs, get their phone numbers and get laid, then Shogun Method is probably not for you.
There are no pickup lines or “opinion openers” in Shogun Method. You won’t find anything about “approaching women in groups” or “neutralizing cockblocks” or “peacocking” or “sarging with a wingman” either.
If that’s what you’re looking for, you should just probably go read a Pickup Artist (PUA) blog, or join a Pickup Artist forum.
Here’s another crucial difference –
Shogun Method is not an “inner game” or “self improvement” program.
For example, you won’t find anything in it about increasing confidence or reducing approach anxiety. And there’s nothing about how to flash a smile, or how to dress up like James Bond either.
And one more thing –
Shogun Method is not for guys whose primary aim in life is to have sex with as many women in the shortest time possible.
Don’t get me wrong now…
There’s nothing wrong with wanting to sleep with lots of women at all. It’s just that if that’s the only thing you’re looking for, then Shogun Method is probably not suitable for you.
On the other hand, Shogun Method is exactly what you need if any ONE of the following describes you:
- You don’t merely want women to be attracted to you. You want to put them under your control and domination for as long as you want.
- You’re done with dating around, and you want to settle down with one special woman that you want to be with for the long term.
- Your woman is losing interest in you, and you need to rekindle her attraction to you, fast.
- Another guy is in the picture, and you want to destroy that jerk-off so that she only has eyes for you.
- You want a stable relationship which is free of drama, mind games and emotional turmoil.
- You’re tired of being the “nice guy“, and you want women to respect you for the man you are.
- You’re sick of getting stuck in the friend zone, and you want women to see you as a potential lover.
- You’re willing to use psychological manipulation techniques on women to get what you want.
If ANY ONE of the above describes your situation, then congratulations – Shogun Method absolutely fits the bill.
Why It’s Not Enough To “Seduce” A Woman… You Got To Make Her EMOTIONALLY ADDICTED To You
Have you ever wondered why most “Pickup” or “Seduction” advice programs fail?
Well, here’s the answer:
As its namesake would suggest, “Pickup” or “Seduction” tricks are good for what it says on the box… for “picking up” and “seducing” women.
To control and dominate a woman, “seduction” is not enough, my friend. You’ve got to make her emotionally addicted to you.
You see, if your woman is losing interest in you, there could only be one reason, and it’s this…
It’s because you didn’t take the final step to enslave her to you.
You’d have realized that it’s just as easy for her to fall OUT of love with you as she fell IN love with you.
On the other hand, EMOTIONAL ADDICTION is a one-way street.
Once a woman is emotionally addicted to you, she’s pretty much yours… forever.
See the difference?
Four Steps To Domination – The IRAE Model
So how do make a woman emotionally addicted to you then?
Answer: in four simple steps.
These steps or stages are summarized into what we call the IRAE Model –
- The first stage is the “I” stage – Intrigue Generation
- The second stage is the “R” stage – Rapport Building
- The third stage is the “A” stage – Attraction Development
- The fourth (and final) stage is the “E” stage – Emotional Enslavement
These stages are strictly sequential: it means that one follows another in a strict, step-by-step sequence.
The first step is to pique a woman’s curiosity by Intriguing her.
With the right Intrigue Pings, you’ll be able to capture a woman’s attention for you to build deep emotional Rapport (the second step) with her.
Once you have sufficient Rapport with a woman, you can then proceed to Attract her (the third step). You’ll do this with a combo of Mind Control techniques such as Devalidation and ENTICE/REPEL cycles.
Finally, when she has developed intense Attraction to you, then you’ll Enslave her in order to put her under your control and domination forever.
Makes sense?
Again, remember that the steps have to be taken in this order strictly:
Intrigue → Rapport → Attract → Enslave (Emotionally)
Know this: shit happens when steps are skipped.
For example, if you try to Attract a woman without building sufficient Rapport beforehand, then you might just creep her out.
Ever heard a woman say, “I sorta like him, but he makes me feel uncomfortable”?
That’s the classic mistake of building Attraction before Rapport.
(In the IRAE Model, Rapport must come before Attraction.)
Here’s another example:
If you jump the gun and immediately try to build Rapport with a woman without first Intriguing her, then you’ll find her losing interest in whatever you’re trying to say.
She’ll probably tell her girlfriends later:
“There’s this guy who keeps trying to talk to me but I wasn’t even a bit interested.”
See what I mean?
In addition, there’s another huge benefit of having a sequential, step-by-step roadmap like the IRAE Model, and it is this –
It gives you the clarity on what to do at any given time.
This is how it works –
The first thing that you need to do is to know which IRAE stage you’re already at.
- Have you Intrigued her enough?
- Do you have sufficient Rapport with her?
- Is she Attracted to you, and ready to be Enslaved to you?
And once you know which IRAE stage you’re at, there’s only one thing to do…
…to bring her to the next IRAE stage.
That’s all you need to do.
For example, let’s say that you’ve built enough emotional Rapport (Stage 2) with her. Then what you need to do now is to focus completely on Attraction (Stage 3) techniques inside the Shogun Method.
You can forget about everything else.
Ever wondered why sometimes you seemed to be unable to take action after getting a brain dump of tricks from reading Pickup Artist ebooks or blogs?
The strict, step-by-step nature of IRAE Model will help you avoid the problem of information overload.
Shogun Sequences (Or Why This Stuff Work Like Gangbusters)
So far, you’ve learned the four steps you’ll need a woman to take for her to enslave herself to you, or the IRAE Model.
What do you do inside each of these IRAE stages then?
Simple: you use a series of Shogun Sequences on her.
A Shogun Sequence is a pattern or series of steps which is delivered verbally which you will use inside a specific IRAE stage to move you along to the next stage.
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(The October Man Sequence is an example of such pattern. It doesn’t belong to the Shogun Method, although it originated as a form of Fractionationwhich we’ll talk about below.)
What a Shogun Sequence does is that it invokes a certain emotion in a woman, and then links that emotion to you.
Some Shogun Sequences, like Fractionation, can be universally used across all IRAE stages.
(If you’re not yet familiar with Fractionation, attend my Online Masterclass, or read this handy guide by my fellow coach Calvin Pont.)
Others are more specific to the IRAE stage that they belong to. Below is a list of some Shogun Sequences and their respective IRAE stages:
Intrigue Stage
- Magic Locket Sequence – A story you tell to her in order to “anchor” the positive feelings she has for an object that she wears to you.
- Higher Powers Sequence – This simple pattern exploits a woman’s vulnerability to believe in “higher powers” in order to create deep Intrigue in her mind about you.
- Passion Binding Sequence – Use this Shogun Sequence by identifying her passion and exploiting her psychological vulnerability to “transfer” the passion to you.
- Jekyll & Hyde Sequence – This pattern is based on the surefire way to generate Intrigue in a woman – by asking her about love and relationships.
- Skin Deep Sequence – This Shogun Sequence is specially crafted to target beautiful women who get complimented about their looks frequently. You’ll create Intrigue by appearing to see beyond her good looks.
Rapport Stage
- Emptiness Sequence – This pattern is a surefire Rapport builder, exploiting a woman’s hidden needs which are submerged in her subconscious mind. By bringing the submerged need to the forefront, you’ll appear to as the perfect option to fill this need.
- Shared Universe Sequence – A woman has an innate need to belong to social groups, and using this Sequence you’ll create a “shared” universe consisting only you and her.
Attraction Stage
- Shared Similarities Sequence – Use this pattern to induce a sense of similarity between you and her in order to build deep Attraction.
- Dream Guy Sequence – This Shogun Sequence is the simplified version of the (in)famous Boyfriend Destroyer Routine – use this to remove any other man who may be present in her life so that she only has eyes for you… and you only.
- Perfect Boyfriend Sequence – Another variation of the Boyfriend Destroyer – use it right after the Dream Guy Sequence for maximum, “one-two punch” effect.
Emotional Enslavement Stage
There’s only one Shogun Sequence in the Emotional Enslavement stage, and it is the Black Rose Sequence (which we will describe in the next section.)
What Is The Black Rose Sequence?
The endpoint of the Shogun Method is Emotional Enslavement.
(Befittingly, it’s also the fourth and the final IRAE stage.)
The Enslavement stage is divided into two steps:
First, you’ll segregate her by isolating her from the outside world.
(This is done by using a combo of techniques which are similar to what cult leaders use to build a following which is completely fanatical to their cause.)
Then, when she is sufficiently isolated, you’ll then perform an Enslavement routine on her called the Black Rose Sequence.
Here’s what it does:
It “erases” a woman’s existing identity, and a new identity (named “Persephone”) is installed in its place.
“Persephone” is designed to be completely enslaved to you emotionally, and psychologically programmed to need you to survive.
(In other words, in her mind, quitting you is a sheer impossibility.)
The Emotional Enslavement module inside Shogun Method contains the complete Black Rose Sequence in all its glory – all the scripts and action steps you need to take are here.
Before you use the Black Rose on a woman, you must remember two things:
- She must have gone through all the preceding IRAE stages with you (Intrigue, Rapport and Attract) – otherwise you’ll come across as a downright psychopath to her, and
- You can’t “undo” the Emotional Enslavement effect.
Look: I won’t deny that the Black Rose is somewhat sinister (because frankly, it is).
There’s nothing which is going to stop someone from going on a rampage and using the Black Rose on everyone he meets… leaving behind a disastrous trail of females with damaged psyche.
Make no mistake… the danger is very real.
Shogun Method is not a game.
Only join us if you reckon you can deal with its consequences.
The Black Rose Method Pdf
Join the Shogun Method movement
My best,
Derek Rake, Shogun Method founder
Shogun Method: Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is Shogun Method for me?
If you desire a stable long-term relationship with a woman that you already know, and you want full control and domination over her, then yes.
Shogun Method will still work if you’re looking for a series of short-term relationships with women (primarily for sex), but frankly, it’s an overkill.
Q: Will Shogun Method work for me?
The truth is that nobody can guarantee 100% results for everybody.
(Anyone who tries to sell you a magic seduction pill with a 100% success rate is trying to scam you.)
I can tell you this, however…
More than 17,000 men around the world have gone through the Shogun Method program for the last couple of years… and I’ve personally coached a good portion of that number.
And as such, it’s highly likely that I have helped someone who had gone through the same thing that you’re going through now.
- Do you want to make a woman fall in love with you? Check.
- Do you want to stop your woman from leaving you? Check.
- Are you tired of your woman’s mind games, and you wish that she’s obedient to you for a change? Check.
- Is there another man in your woman’s life, and you want to completely destroy him in her eyes? Check.
- Do you want your woman to love you and be be loyal to you for as long as you want? Heck, that’s my specialty.
Here’s the deal –
If you think that your situation is unique, then get in touch (fill in this contact form) and I’ll let you know if Shogun Method can help you.
Q: Is Shogun Method immoral?
Just like any tool or weapon, it can be used for good or bad.
Shogun Method is morally neutral.
Q: Is Shogun Method illegal?
Q: How is Shogun Method different from other pickup or seduction products?
This is a darn good question, and yet it’s pretty easy to answer.
Your usual garden variety pickup or seduction products are full of stuff like “opener routines” or “social dynamics” or “blasting last minute resistance” or “winging” or “sarging”.
Some are full of esoteric (and completely made up) concepts like “inner game” and “whole brain visualization” (WTF?) as well as useless, plain vanilla advice on “how to increase your confidence” or “tips on dressing well”.
Fuck that shit.
Unlike lightweight Pickup Artist trickery, Shogun Method is based on hardcore Mind Control. We go straight for the jugular.
Mind Control strategies like Fractionation, Devalidation, Dark Triad, Enslavement and the (legendary!) Black Rose Sequence all originated as components of the Shogun Method.
Therefore, be careful when you stumble upon anyone else claiming to teach these strategies outside Shogun Method.
These fake Gurus often charge thousands of dollars for watered-down versions of Shogun Method concepts. Don’t get duped.
This is the only place you can get the original (and full strength) Shogun Method program.
Finally, there’s one last thing that you need to know…
To make Shogun Method work for you, you’ve got to put in a fair bit of effort.
Understand this. It’s not some magical solution which will solve all your dating problems overnight without having to lift a finger.
Knowledge is not power. In fact, knowledge is downright bullshit without action.
If you’re just going to download Shogun Method and read it like entertainment and not do anything with the things you learn, then I’d rather that you don’t buy it. Save your money. Seriously.
The Shogun Method community is a group of serious action takers. It’s not like some the cookie cutter Pickup Artist forum which is filled with keyboard warriors with zero practical experience.
So, are you up to the challenge?
If you are, then take this next step: click here.
I look forward to welcoming you to the Shogun Method movement.
Derek Rake, Shogun Method founder