Vec2 Pack


PackHalf2x16 returns an unsigned integer obtained by converting the components of a two-component floating-point vector to the 16-bit floating-point representation found in the OpenGL Specification, and then packing these two 16-bit integers into a 32-bit unsigned integer. Our goal is for Newgrounds to be ad free for everyone! Become a Supporter today and help make this dream a reality!

Iphone bluestacks. Retrieves texels from a texture


  1. Original Kick Of Singomakers EDM One Shots Mega Pack / SEOM Legacy One Shots / SEOM Kicks In Keys / SEE Big Hard Kick 20 F.wav SERGIUS 2 years ago Kick Clubby Of Vengeance Essential Club Sounds Vol. 2 / VEC2 Bassdrum Clubby 047.
  2. This pack has more than 2400 minimal sounds (including almost 2000 one-shot samples), clean minimal kicks, crystal clear hi-hats, brutally-deep percussion, perfect minimal loops, and FX uplifters that spiral up to dizzying heights! Some other highlights of this sample pack include pre-shifted snares and claps.


Vec2 Pack

sampler specifies the sampler to which the texture from which texels will be retrieved is bound.

coord specifies the texture coordinates at which texture will be sampled.

bias specifies an optional bias to be applied during level-of-detail computation.


Vec2 Sample Pack


The texture2D function returns a texel, i.e. the (color) value of the texture for the given coordinates. The function has one input parameter of the type sampler2D and one input parameter of the type vec2 : sampler, the uniform the texture is bound to, and coord, the 2-dimensional coordinates of the texel to look up.

There is an optional third input parameter of the type float: bias. After calculating the appropriate level of detail for a texture with mipmaps the bias is added before the actual texture lookup operation is executed.

Vec2 Pack Download

Side note: On iOS devices texture lookup functionality is only available in the fragment shader.

See Also